Tuesday 29 January 2013

A New Shade for Eye Shadows!

eye-shadowGreeks were the most civilized and they were considered to had used make up for the first time. Looks are enough to represent someone’s beauty but to accentuate these features make up plays a significant role. Along with other items, application of eye shades has taken a unique turn. Girls now-a-days go berserk after the new shimmery, glossy, colorful range of eye shades offered by renownedbrands.
Eye shades mania is unstoppable these days. However, the poor use of eye shades make the girls look weird rather than trendy. Make up is all about playing with light and dark eye shades which are the best ingredients that you can experiment with. There is a particular method of application of an eye shade and following are some basic tips to help you form that hip look with your favorite set of eye shades.

Basic method for application of an eye shade

You ought to apply eye shade this way!

Make up is applied by mixing different shades and textures but you ought to begin with applying the darker eye shade to the inner core of the eye. Then leave the space between and apply the darker shade on other corner of the eye and begin smudging from both sides at the centre. This is applicable for every eye type and shape. This is the foremost step in the application of an eye shade. Also, if you want to give yourself a highlighted look, blend the eye shade of the outer corner upwards with a brush. Slowly, let it meet your brow and then smudge.

Different technique in eye shade mania

A couple of other ways to accentuate your eyes with black eye shade!

There is a technique called the banana technique in which the eye shade is applied lengthwise in a long and smudged line just above the eyeliner. This helps look the eye appear longer and wider. There is another technique that makes the eye appear dramatic. In this technique, the whole eyelid is covered with the same (preferably dark) eye shade. Bright eye shades such as yellow, orange, green may be avoided as the covering of whole eyelid attracts too much attention and you might end up looking weird. Last technique is the application of eye shade at only the inner part of the eye. Be careful with it as it may make the eye appear angrier or too stern. Choose lighter shades such as cream, peach, grey when applying like this.

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